Home Care Telehealth Is Changing the Healthcare Sector

Telehealth has significantly impacted the healthcare sector. It offers remote medical services, especially during COVID. However, one area that is now gaining massive popularity in telehealth is home care. Which allows patients to get medical care at home from healthcare professionals.

According to the stats, around 42% of patients were satisfied with telehealth home care services. And more people are likely to adopt telehealth solutions over traditional care.

However, many people do not know much about home care telehealth. And how it is shaping medical care services. This blog will explore home care telehealth, its types, benefits, challenges, and future scope.

Types of Home Care Telehealth Solutions

Here are some essential types of telehealth solutions that are transforming home healthcare:

1. Remote Patient Monitoring

Remote patient monitoring is the advanced functionalities that telehealth offers. It uses devices like blood pressure monitors and wearable sensors. It is used to track patients’ health status and directly send the data to healthcare providers. Doctors can then monitor all these insights and provide personalized treatment for managing chronic illnesses. This is where technology and doctors combine to deliver better patient care.

2. Virtual Consultation

Virtual consultations allow patients and doctors to communicate over video calls or messages. They eliminate the need to travel and wait in long queues. And making it convenient for patients and doctors to connect at a suitable time. Plus, doctors can frequently discuss patients’ symptoms, treatments, and follow-up care virtually. Virtual consultations are the best functionalities for those areas that medical facilities cannot reach yet.

3. Telerehabilitation

Telerehabilitation means delivering physical therapy virtually. It helps patients recovering from surgery or injuries who are required to exercise daily under expert guidance. With the help of telehealth, patients and therapists can connect over video calls. And provide real time exercise guidance. And ensure patients are doing exercises correctly. So that they can recover faster.

4. Telepsychiatry

In today’s busy world, mental illness has become another major health issue. This is where the demand for Telepsychiatry increases, where patients can virtually talk to counselors or psychiatrists about their mental illnesses and get the best consultation at their convenience to overcome the mental issue.

5. Teledermatology

Patients with skin issues like acne or eczema mainly want professionals to check and give treatment advice regularly. This can be done virtually as well. And that is why people now prefer virtual consultations for Teledermatology. It allows patients to share photos or videos of their skin condition with a dermatologist. And get treatment advice and manage conditions without visiting a clinic.

6. Telepharmacy

Telepharmacy connects patients and pharmacists online to get medication advice or refills faster. Patients can also take guidance on how to take their medicine safely and no. of dose. This service is helpful for patients with complex prescriptions.

7. Teleradiology

Teleradiology allows radiologists to analyze X-rays, MRIs, or CT scans remotely. Hospitals share medical images electronically with radiologists for quick analysis. And to ensure fast diagnosis, especially during emergencies.

Blog Source: https://www.vcdoctor.com/blog/telehealth-home-care

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